It's a Legendary Shield and is a very rare drop from 'Hunter Hellquist' (see below to learn more about getting the shield). There may be other ways with the other characters, Im not sure, I only know this works.

#Borderlands 2 bee shield how to
This describes how to farm for the Bee shield with the Mechromancer and Siren classes when using the quest 'This Just In'. The Bee is an amp shield the doesnt damage the shield capacity when you shoot an amped bullet, it has an insane amp damage and can come with immunities. Borderlands 2 Bee Farming: 'This Just In' Quest method (Mechromancer & Siren) By Axton. The CC spams bullets forward and sideways, at great accuracy and speed, at the enemy. r/TinyTinaWonderlands - Assault on Dragon Keep 2? The Bee is one of the best Shields in Borderlands 2. Basically, you the CC from The Warrior and the Bee from Hellquest. r/Borderlands2, /r/BorderlandsPreSequel, /r/Borderlands3, and /r/Wonderlands all allow link posts.The place to discuss and post anything related to Borderlands 2, Still, with 96.5% More Wub Wub! This Subreddit supports: > Reddit Re-Design > Reddit Old Design > RES Night Modeīe nice, keep it civil and follow the reddiquette Previous SHiFT codes: bl | bl2 | tps | bl3 | ttwl Partner reddits once you've completed the mission, save and quit, travel to the arid nexus fast travel point which is right net to his area travel up and fight him, if he drop. The Alkaline one has corrosive immunity, less shields, more AMP power, lower recharge wait time and faster charge rate. A plain and simple 'The Bee' and an 'Alkaline The Bee'. Finally, where are you in the game itself?ĭiscordians should join one of the Verified Discord servers listed above.Ĭo-op matchmaking reddits: /r/coopplay SHiFT Codes The Bee Shield you get from Hunter Helquist, you open his area in the Arid nexus from the mission 'This just in', after that mission you can go back to his area and fight him very easily. I did about 4-5 Forest runs yesterday and in my very last run in the blood pool, the 2 treants there each dropped a Bee. Timezone (for schedule) and geographical location (for lag) can also be significant. In need of a new bee shield, since mine is only 63. When seeking co-op partners here, don't forget to mention your platform, PC, console, or whatever: you can add suitable Flair to your post title, or simply if you'd like. Whats the best farming way to get the Bee Shield Anybody got tips on fastest way to farm a bee shield im currently killing treant's in tiny tina's exp. At the very least, browse our group policies. what are the best parts for the Bee shield : r/Borderlands2 by KfirEzer what are the best parts for the Bee shield I want to farm the Bee but no idea what I should look for. So long story short, the ricochet version of the fibber, sand hawk and unkempt Harold are the best with the bee. Pangolin parts give massive capacity but. Each manufacturer makes each of these parts, all offering varying bonuses.
#Borderlands 2 bee shield archive
Resources: Wikia | Gbx Forums archive | Lootlemon Guns that dont have the extra projectiles listed still get the bonus bee damage to all the projectiles. Shields are made up of three parts, the body, the battery, and the capacitor. Its a Legendary Shield and is a very rare drop from Hunter Hellquist (see below to learn more about getting the shield). We are all things Borderlands, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, re-pre-sequels, and Bunkers-and-Badasses campaigns. 6.53K subscribers Subscribe 204K views 9 years ago This is a vid i put together to show all the people that didnt have this game when the CC and the bee before they were patched Borderlands 2. Welcome to Pandora, its scarred moon Elpis, and the Helios station.